Music i made myself (i don’t like working with or making compromises with other musicians), composing every element myself using apps and analogue instruments, to make mp4 soundfiles with picture thumbnails or videos for youtube (which i monetize, and will explain how i make money from them, in 3 effective ways on YouTube on my webmaster section of this blog, under the posts referring to make money online).
Mostly its made for me to relax, but i have made a couple of albums (one made, one nearly finished, and 2 in the making) all to do with Occultism and Ancient Civilisations, and Forgotten Knowledge, as well as dealing with Death Magic to see beyond and intuit the world of the Dead. These will be available for copyright free re-use for a small donation for each album. I will also make a 4 album mega pack at a nicer price.
It helps me to keep my mood up for publishing all sorts of info for my readers to see a donation, and of course, who doesn’t like money for work already done, without having to go to the post office (sell digital downloads)? No Sin in that is there? In fact, i avoid being taken advantage of, by the large Music Agencies, and ripped off, and remain a Sovereign Individual (*see bottom of post)
My Music is spontaneously made ‘On The Fly, as i go along, by feel, a bit like some other musically autodidactic people, such as Eric Clapton, Dizzi Gillespie, Jimi Hendrix, Noel Gallagher, Thelonius Monk, Keith Moon, David Bowie, Prince, and Elton John. Currently i have a lot to learn with inter-app audio and midi with analogue instruments and how to get the best out of Garage Band, Animoog, Korg Synth, Drum Machine, and Logic X Pro, and hope one day i can rise to the standards of my heroes; Hawkwind, and Tangerine Dream (and Guitarists Huw Lloyd Langton, and Dave Gilmore of Pink Floyd)
I would like to say that in my work or projects, whatever it is, I never make notes, or pre-plan anything in life, i have ADHD, and there is no beginning middle or end, or linear sequence of events for me, so i do it all at once skipping from one thing to the next till it sounds right, and do not make my music like this;
““I do not write experimental music. My experimenting is done before I make the music. Afterwards it is the listener who must experiment.”
— Edgard Varese”