As I say, in my description to this playlist, titled “life advice”; “I do not believe anybody is capable of giving good life advice to others. But seeing as everybody’s doing it, I might as well myself.”
as I post this, I just uploaded a video titled “on identity crisis”. To which I commented “Conditioning is Becoming, and social conditioning leads to an identity crisis for many people. 30% of humanity is likely to develop some form of anxiety during their lifetime. I consider no human to be qualified to give life advice to others. But many people do. This video gets added to my “life advice” section of my website on.
However, I do not claim it to be good advice. It’s more of a philosophical game of cards you can play solitaire with. ”
anyway, for better or worse here is my life advice channel on YouTube. Take it with a pinch of salt. Or pepper if you prefer.