Overcoming the Five Hindrances in Vipassanā Meditation

The practice of Vipassanā meditation offers a profound path towards insight and liberation through the cultivation of mindful awareness. However, this journey is often punctuated by mental obstacles that can impede concentration and clarity. These obstacles, traditionally known as the Five Hindrances, are natural mental phenomena that arise in the course of practice. Rather than viewing them as insurmountable enemies, understanding their nature and developing skillful means to work with them can transform them into opportunities for deeper understanding and growth on the path.

Thai Forest Monks on Tudong

Understanding Sensual Desire (Kāmacchanda)

Sensual desire, or kāmacchanda in Pali, fundamentally refers to the wanting of sensual pleasures. This encompasses more than just lust; it includes the craving for any agreeable experience perceived through the five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. It can manifest as an attachment to pleasant sights and sounds, a longing for particular tastes or smells, or a desire for comfortable physical sensations. Even the yearning for stimulating mental experiences, such as learning something new or connecting with others, can fall under the umbrella of sensual desire when it disrupts the peace of mind. This wanting often colors our experience with a feeling of dissatisfaction, a sense that things should be other than they are.


During Vipassanā meditation, sensual desire can manifest in various ways. A practitioner might find their attention drawn to pleasant sensations in the body, leading to a fixation on achieving or maintaining a comfortable posture rather than simply observing the arising and passing of sensations 3. The mind might latch onto agreeable external sounds, wishing for them to continue, or conversely, become irritated by unpleasant sounds and desire their cessation. Thoughts about enjoyable foods or drinks might surface, creating a desire to experience those tastes even without the actual presence of food. Daydreaming about past or future pleasurable experiences, such as a delicious meal or a comforting embrace, can also pull the meditator away from the present moment. Even the desire for mental stimulation, like wanting to solve a problem or recall a memory, can become a hindrance if it disrupts the focus on the present moment of meditation. As one experienced practitioner noted, the mind might even wander to thoughts of cookies, illustrating how everyday cravings can surface during meditation. This attachment to pleasant experiences makes the mind brittle and not rightly concentrated, clouding clarity and making it difficult to see the escape from this wanting.

The negative effects of sensual desire on Vipassanā practice are significant. It directly interrupts peace of mind 3 and hinders the development of concentration. By constantly seeking pleasant sensations and experiences, the mind becomes agitated and unable to settle on the object of meditation. This prevents the deepening of mindfulness and obstructs the development of insight into the true nature of reality. As long as the mind is preoccupied with craving, it cannot fully observe the present moment with clarity and equanimity, thus impeding progress on the path.

Mental Hindrances, Nimitta (apparitions)

To work with sensual desire, several strategies and antidotes can be employed. Renunciation, in the sense of consciously turning away from distracting sensory stimuli, is a key practice. Investigating the experience of desire with mindfulness, observing its arising, duration, and passing away without judgment, can also diminish its power 3. Traditional teachings suggest meditating on impure objects or the repulsive aspects of sense objects to cultivate detachment 1. Guarding the sense doors, by being mindful of what we take in through our senses in daily life, can also reduce the fuel for sensual desire 1. Moderation in eating, taking food with wise consideration rather than for mere enjoyment, is another helpful practice. Cultivating noble friendships with those who are also working on overcoming sensual desire and engaging in suitable conversations about the Dhamma can provide support and encouragement. Furthermore, developing one-pointedness of mind through focused concentration can help to weaken the grip of sensual craving. Reflecting on the impermanent nature of all things, including desired objects and experiences, can also lessen their allure 7.

Working with Ill-Will (Vyāpāda)

Ill-will, known as vyāpāda in Pali, encompasses a range of negative emotions directed towards oneself or others. This includes not only hatred and wishing harm, but also aversion, negativity, anger, resentment, animosity, irritation, hostility, grief, and even fear 4. While sometimes synonymous with anger, it more broadly refers to a feeling of displeasure or antagonism. It represents an unwillingness to experience the uncomfortable, arising from negative emotions and aversion towards an object, situation, or person.

During Vipassanā meditation, ill-will can manifest in various ways. A practitioner might experience irritation with distractions, such as external noises or bodily discomfort. Aversion towards certain sensations arising in the body, labeling them as unpleasant and wanting them to go away, is another common manifestation. Negative thoughts about oneself or others might surface, fueling feelings of anger or resentment. Impatience with the meditation process itself, feeling frustrated by a lack of progress or the arising of difficulties, can also be a form of ill-will. Just as boiling water obscures a reflection, ill-will prevents us from seeing the true nature of our minds.

The negative effects of ill-will on Vipassanā practice are profound. It makes the mind brittle and not rightly concentrated. This hindrance prevents us from seeing our personal and spiritual potential and that of others. It weakens and can even destroy wisdom. A mind consumed by ill-will finds it impossible to meditate properly. It obstructs the understanding of one’s own welfare, the welfare of others, and the welfare of both.

To work with ill-will, cultivating loving-kindness (mettā) and compassion are primary antidotes. By consciously directing feelings of warmth, goodwill, and kindness towards oneself and others, including those towards whom we might harbor negative feelings, we can begin to soften the heart and counteract ill-will. Practicing forgiveness, both towards ourselves and others, is also crucial in releasing resentment and animosity. Reflecting on the karmic consequences of our actions, understanding the negative impact of ill-will on ourselves and others, can help to reduce the tendency to harbor such feelings. Investigating the feeling of ill-will with mindfulness, observing its arising and passing without judgment, can also diminish its power. Cultivating patience and equanimity helps to develop a more balanced response to unpleasant experiences. Engaging in wholesome conversations and associating with spiritual friends who embody kindness and compassion can also support the cultivation of non-ill will.

Overcoming Sloth and Torpor (Thīna-middha)

Sloth and torpor, or thīna-middha in Pali, represent a state of mental and sometimes physical sluggishness 1. Sloth is characterized by a lack of mental readiness and unwieldiness, a dullness or sinking of the mind, while torpor manifests as drowsiness, heaviness of the body and mind, and a general lack of energy 1. It is more than just physical tiredness; it involves a lack of mental clarity and engagement, making it difficult to focus and sustain attention.

During Vipassanā meditation, sloth and torpor can manifest in several ways. The mind might feel heavy, cloudy, and unable to focus on the object of meditation, such as the breath or bodily sensations. A strong urge to sleep or a feeling of drowsiness can arise, making it difficult to stay alert. There might be a lack of motivation or energy to continue the practice, accompanied by a feeling of laziness or disinclination to maintain effort. The body might feel heavy and stiff, making it challenging to remain in the seated posture. Thoughts might become unclear, and the mind may wander aimlessly, unable to maintain sustained attention 15. One might even drift into daydreams or fall asleep despite trying to stay awake. This state is likened to water covered with moss, where one cannot see a clear reflection.

hungry ghosts

The negative effects of sloth and torpor on Vipassanā practice are significant. It hinders clarityand drains energy, directly impeding concentration 2. It makes the mind unpliant and hinders the realization of insight. It can lead to weak and intermittent mindfulness, even causing one to fall asleep without realizing it. Ultimately, it represents a wasted opportunity for cultivating wisdom and understanding.

To overcome sloth and torpor, arousing energy is essential. Changing the bodily posture, such as sitting up straighter or even briefly standing and stretching, can help to invigorate the body and mind. Thinking of the perception of light, either by visualizing a bright light or even opening the eyes and looking at a light source, can help to dispel dullness 1. Spending time outdoors and getting fresh air can also be beneficial. Recollection of death and reflecting on the preciousness and impermanence of life can instill a sense of urgency and motivate practice 1. Perceiving the suffering inherent in impermanence can also counteract laziness 1. Cultivating sympathetic joy (mudita) can uplift the mind and dispel listlessness. Adjusting lifestyle habits, such as avoiding overeating, especially before meditation, can also reduce the likelihood of sloth and torpor 1. Simply recognizing the presence of sloth and torpor with mindfulness can also take away some of its power.

Calming Restlessness and Remorse (Uddhacca-kukkucca)

Restlessness and remorse, known as uddhacca-kukkucca in Pali, represent a state of mental agitation, worry, and regret 1. Restlessness (uddhacca) refers to a disquietude and distraction of the mind, an inability to calm down and focus 17. Remorse (kukkucca) is worry or regret about past actions, both things done that should not have been, and things left undone that should have been 17. These two often arise together, creating a state of mental turbulence.

During Vipassanā meditation, restlessness can manifest as physical fidgeting, an urge to shift posture frequently, or a mind racing with thoughts, jumping from one topic to another without settling 1. Worry about future events, obligations, or desires can constantly pull attention away from the present moment 1. Remorse might surface as persistent thoughts about past mistakes, failures, or unwholesome actions, leading to feelings of guilt, shame, or anxiety. Self-judgment and harsh criticism for perceived failures in meditation or daily life can also contribute to mental agitation 1. This state is likened to water swept up by strong winds, swaying back and forth.

The negative effects of restlessness and remorse on Vipassanā practice are significant. The agitated nature of the mind makes it impossible to develop sustained attention and deep concentration. This mental turbulence obscures the clear seeing of reality, preventing the development of wisdom and insight. Persistent worry and regret lead to feelings of anxiety, sadness, and unease, hindering mental peace and happiness. These hindrances keep the mind in a state of turmoil, preventing progress on the spiritual path.

To calm restlessness and remorse, mindful observation of the thoughts and feelings associated with them is crucial. Gently acknowledging their presence without judgment and observing their impermanent nature can begin to lessen their grip. Whenever the mind wanders, gently redirecting attention back to the object of meditation, such as the breath, helps to anchor the mind in the present moment. Cultivating contentment with the present moment and finding satisfaction in what is can reduce the tendency towards regret. Reflecting on the principle of kamma, understanding that past actions have led to the present situation, can help to lessen unnecessary guilt. Practicing forgiveness towards oneself and others is essential for releasing past mistakes 1. Engaging in practices that promote mental quietude, such as loving-kindness meditation (mettā) or mindfulness of breathing, can help to calm the agitated mind. Studying the Buddhist teachings can provide a framework for understanding and dealing with mental unrest. Seeking guidance from experienced practitioners who possess calmness and restraint can also be beneficial.

Navigating Doubt (Vicikicchā)

Doubt, or vicikicchā in Pali, manifests as uncertainty and indecisiveness regarding the practice, the teacher, the teachings, oneself, and the very possibility of enlightenment. It is characterized by a wavering mind, a lack of clear conviction, and being of two minds about the meaning of the truth 20. This kind of doubt is unwholesome and rooted in ignorance, hindering progress on the path. It prevents the development of faith and confidence needed for sustained practice.

During Vipassanā meditation, doubt can undermine confidence and progress in various ways. A practitioner might question whether they are practicing correctly or doubt the effectiveness of the technique. They might wonder if they are truly observing the arising and passing away of phenomena or if their experiences are just imagination. Doubt can also extend to the teachings themselves, questioning the validity of the Four Noble Truths or the possibility of attaining liberation. One might doubt their own ability to practice effectively (“Am I doing this right?”) or question the path itself (“Is this the right way?”). This state is likened to murky, muddy water that obscures sight. As one teacher metaphorically described, doubt acts like a T-junction, preventing one from moving forward on the path.

Tudong Monk in the Forest (AI Image from Flux Dev Black Forest Labs)

The negative effects of doubt on Vipassanā practice are significant. It makes the mind brittle and not rightly concentrated. It blocks or prevents involvement with positive things, hindering the development of concentration, mindfulness, and insight. It prevents further effort towards progress, causing stagnation on the meditative journey.

To navigate doubt, in-depth examination of the objects of doubt is essential. This involves intelligent investigation and analysis, rather than blind faith. Clarifying the teachings by asking questions and seeking guidance from experienced practitioners can help to dispel uncertainty. Paying attention to one’s moral behavior and cultivating strong dedication based on understanding one’s own problems can build confidence. Consistent practice leading to direct experiential understanding is the most powerful antidote to doubt. Experiencing the benefits of meditation firsthand can foster trust in the practice and the teachings. Simply recognizing doubt as it arises and gently returning to the object of meditation, like any other distraction, can also be helpful.

Recognizing the Subtle Whispers of Hindrances

Developing the ability to recognize the early, subtle signs of each hindrance arising is crucial for timely intervention 3. Subtle signs of sensual desire might include a fleeting preoccupation with a pleasant sensation or a faint craving for something agreeable. Ill-will might manifest as a slight irritation or impatience with a distraction or a subtle judgmental thought. The initial signs of sloth and torpor can be a mild dullness of the mind or a slight heaviness in the body, with focus drifting more easily. Subtle restlessness might appear as a slight difficulty in maintaining focus or a mind feeling a bit agitated, while remorse could be a fleeting feeling of guilt or worry. Doubt can arise as a subtle questioning of one’s ability to meditate or the effectiveness of the method. Cultivating subtle awareness through mindfulness allows practitioners to notice these early whispers before the hindrances gain strong momentum and become overwhelming.

The Interplay of Hindrances and Progress

The presence and absence of the Five Hindrances have a direct impact on the depth and effectiveness of Vipassanā practice. Working through these obstacles leads to significant breakthroughs in concentration, mindfulness, and insight. As long as the hindrances are present, deep concentration and wisdom cannot arise. Progress on the path, especially towards higher stages of insight, requires a significant reduction and eventual abandonment of these hindrances. There exists an antagonistic relationship between the hindrances and the factors of enlightenment, highlighting the importance of cultivating the latter to overcome the former.

Insights from Experienced Practitioners

Experienced Vipassanā practitioners offer diverse perspectives on approaching and overcoming the Five Hindrances. Many emphasize the importance of mindful acceptance of these hindrances rather than forceful suppression. Some even suggest viewing hindrances as tools for learning about the mind, providing valuable insights into our attachments and aversions. Cultivating positive qualities like loving-kindness and compassion is frequently recommended as a powerful antidote to hindrances like ill-will and sensual desire. Ethical conduct (Sīla) is also highlighted as a crucial foundation for managing the hindrances, as a clear conscience reduces the likelihood of remorse and supports mental stability.

The Path to Liberation: Transcending the Hindrances

Understanding and transcending the Five Hindrances is intrinsically linked to the ultimate goals of Vipassanā and Buddhist philosophy: insight, wisdom, and freedom from suffering. The Buddha attributed ignorance to these five hindrances. The progressive elimination of hindrances marks significant milestones on the path to enlightenment, with doubt being the first to be overcome at the stage of stream-entry. The ultimate aim is to achieve an unshakable deliverance of the mind, freeing it from all limitations and bonds that tie it to the cycle of suffering.

Accepting the Challenges on the Path

Navigating the Five Hindrances is an integral part of the Vipassanā meditation journey. These mental obstacles, while challenging, are common experiences that offer valuable opportunities for growth and deeper understanding. By approaching them with patience, mindfulness, and a spirit of inquiry, practitioners can learn to recognize their subtle signs, understand their impact, and apply effective strategies to work with them. Cultivating antidotes like loving-kindness, wisdom, and mindful acceptance, while grounding the practice in ethical conduct, paves the way for deeper concentration, clearer insight, and ultimately, progress towards liberation from suffering.

Table 1: The Five Hindrances: Manifestations and Antidotes

Hindrance Common Manifestations During Meditation Traditional Antidotes Contemporary Strategies
Sensual Desire Craving for pleasant sensations, thoughts about enjoyable experiences, wanting comfortable states, distraction by pleasant sounds/smells/tastes Meditation on impure objects, guarding sense doors, moderation in eating Renunciation of distracting stimuli, investigating desire with mindfulness, contemplation of impermanence, cultivating gratitude
Ill-Will Irritation with distractions, aversion to sensations, negative thoughts about self/others, impatience with meditation Cultivating loving-kindness (mettā) and compassion, reflecting on karmic consequences Practicing forgiveness and patience, investigating ill-will with mindfulness, broadening the mind with positive emotions
Sloth and Torpor Mental dullness, sleepiness, lack of focus, heavy body, mind wandering, foggy thinking Changing posture, thinking of light, spending time outdoors, recollection of death Arousing energy, adjusting lifestyle habits (e.g., avoiding overeating), becoming mindful of the hindrance
Restlessness and Remorse Physical fidgeting, racing thoughts, worrying about the future, regretting the past, self-judgment Mindful observation of thoughts/feelings, redirecting attention to present, cultivating contentment Practicing forgiveness, cultivating tranquility through Metta or breath awareness, studying the teachings
Doubt Questioning effectiveness of technique, doubting own ability, wondering if it’s the right path, questioning meaning of experiences In-depth examination of objects of doubt, clarifying teachings, association with experienced practitioners Intelligent investigation and analysis, consistent practice leading to experiential understanding, simply acknowledging doubt

Multi Armed Buddha (Bodhisattva)

Works cited

  1. The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest: Selected Texts …, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/nyanaponika/wheel026.html
  2. The 5 Hindrances that Hinder Progress in Meditation | Buddho.org, accessed March 23, 2025, https://buddho.org/the-five-hindrances-to-concentration/
  3. The Five Hindrances – Spirit Rock Meditation Center, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.spiritrock.org/practice-guides/the-five-hindrances
  4. Enemies and friends in Buddhist meditation – drarisworld – WordPress.com, accessed March 23, 2025, https://drarisworld.wordpress.com/2022/12/14/enemies-and-friends-in-buddhist-meditation/
  5. Kamacchanda, Kama-chanda, Kāmacchanda, Kamachanda, Kāmachanda: 10 definitions – Wisdom Library, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/kamacchanda
  6. What are the 5 Hindrances, really? : r/streamentry – Reddit, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.reddit.com/r/streamentry/comments/1j4nf2a/what_are_the_5_hindrances_really/
  7. The Five Hindrances – CHELTENHAM ZEN, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.cheltenhamzen.co.uk/writings/the-five-hindrances
  8. the five hindrances | visuteoh.net, accessed March 23, 2025, https://visuteoh.net/teachings/the-five-hindrances
  9. The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest – buddhist-spirituality.org, accessed March 23, 2025, https://buddhist-spirituality.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/TheFiveMentalHindrances.pdf
  10. The Five Impediments in The Path of Achieving Nibbāna Introduction, accessed March 23, 2025, https://bodhi-path.com/index.php/Journal/article/download/56/27
  11. www.themindingcentre.org, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.themindingcentre.org/dharmafarer/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/32.5-Vyapada-piya.pdf
  12. Match Your Meditation to Your Mood – STEPHANIE NOBLE, accessed March 23, 2025, https://stephanienoble.com/2024/04/20/match-your-meditation-to-your-mood/
  13. The Five Hindrances – Buddhist spirituality, accessed March 23, 2025, http://buddhist-spirituality.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/TheFiveHindrancesTable.pdf
  14. These are the Five Hindrances that will prevent you from successful …, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/comments/u1t2yg/these_are_the_five_hindrances_that_will_prevent/
  15. www.themindingcentre.org, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.themindingcentre.org/dharmafarer/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/32.6-Thinamiddha-piya.pdf
  16. 13 July 2003: Lightening Up by Overcoming the Five Hindrances, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.bdcu.org.au/radioarchives/radio285.html
  17. 94 – Buddha’s Teachings 13 – The Five Hindrances – Part 3 – The Zen Studies Podcast, accessed March 23, 2025, https://zenstudiespodcast.com/sloth-and-torpor-restlessness-and-worry-uncertainty/
  18. Part 4 – Mindfulness Of Dhamma, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.wisdomlib.org/buddhism/book/vipassana-meditation/d/doc1348.html
  19. Uddhacca Kukkucca: 1 definition, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/uddhacca-kukkucca_2
  20. so06.tci-thaijo.org, accessed March 23, 2025, https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Jiabu/article/download/219906/152140/
  21. A STUDY OF VICIKICCHĀ IN THERAVĀDA BUDDHISM – Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, accessed March 23, 2025, http://oldweb.mcu.ac.th/userfiles/file/%E0%B8%A7%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%98%E0%B9%8C/%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%8D%E0%B8%8D%E0%B8%B2%E0%B9%82%E0%B8%97/%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%B8%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%98%E0%B8%A8%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%B4/6008Venerable%20Acchariya.pdf
  22. Vicikitsā – Encyclopedia of Buddhism, accessed March 23, 2025, https://encyclopediaofbuddhism.org/wiki/Vicikits%C4%81
  23. Definitions for: vicikicchā – SuttaCentral, accessed March 23, 2025, https://suttacentral.net/define/vicikicch%C4%81
  24. Vicikiccha – One of The Five Impediments – Bodhi Path, accessed March 23, 2025, https://bodhi-path.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/79
  25. The Five Hindrances to Happiness – Sine Nomine – Medium, accessed March 23, 2025, https://sine-nomine.medium.com/the-five-hindrances-to-happiness-137657e27c31
  26. just how subtle can the 5 hindrances be? : r/Buddhism – Reddit, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.reddit.com/r/Buddhism/comments/tktm03/just_how_subtle_can_the_5_hindrances_be/
  27. The Five Hindrances and the Flow of Experience: Excerpt from Integral Vipissana: Mindfulness through Psychology, Neuroscience, and the Satipatthana Sutta – Buddha Weekly, accessed March 23, 2025, https://buddhaweekly.com/the-five-hindrances-and-the-flow-of-experience-excerpt-from-integral-vipissana-mindfulness-through-psychology-neuroscience-and-the-satipatthana-sutta/
  28. Five hindrances – Wikipedia, accessed March 23, 2025, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_hindrances
  29. Guidelines For Practicing – Vipassana Meditation, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.dhamma.org/en/osguide
  30. Practicing with the Five Hindrances – Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, accessed March 23, 2025, https://tricycle.org/magazine/practicing-five-hindrances/
  31. [practice] Five hindrances as friends : r/streamentry – Reddit, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.reddit.com/r/streamentry/comments/gjgus4/practice_five_hindrances_as_friends/
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Monthly Archives: March 2024 – Doisuthep Vipassana Meditation Center | Chiang Mai, accessed March 23, 2025, https://www.fivethousandyears.org/2024/03/

Mental Hindrances, Nimitta (apparitions)

The Five Hindrances (Nīvaraṇa) and Their Removal in Vipassanā Practice

Overcoming the Hindrances of Mind

1. Understanding the Five Hindrances

The pañca nīvaraṇāni (Five Hindrances) are mental obstacles that prevent the mind from attaining concentration (samādhi) and insight (paññā) in meditation, particularly in vipassanā-bhāvanā (insight meditation). They are the primary causes of mental distraction and agitation, obstructing the development of samatha (calm) and vipassanā (clear seeing).

Tudong Monk in the Forest (AI Image from Flux Dev Black Forest Labs)

The five hindrances are:
1. Kāmacchanda (Kāma + Chanda) – Sensual desire: attachment to pleasurable sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches.
2. Byāpāda – Ill-will: anger, hatred, resentment, and aversion.
3. Thīna-middha – Sloth and torpor: mental dullness and physical lethargy.
4. Uddhacca-kukkucca – Restlessness and remorse: agitation, anxiety, and regret.
5. Vicikicchā – Doubt: skepticism about the Dhamma, the practice, or one’s own abilities.

Each of these hindrances keeps the mind entangled in saṃsāra, preventing it from experiencing sammā-samādhi (right concentration) and vipassanā-ñāṇa (insight knowledge).

2. Removing the Five Hindrances in Vipassanā Practice

(1) Overcoming Kāmacchanda (Sensual Desire)

Sensual desire arises from craving for pleasurable experiences and leads to mental agitation. It is overcome by:
• Contemplating the impermanence (anicca) of sensual pleasures: Recognizing that all sensual experiences are fleeting and unsatisfactory (dukkha).
• Practicing asubha-bhāvanā (meditation on impurity): Reflecting on the unattractive nature of the body to reduce attachment to form and sensual beauty.
• Observing sense restraint (indriya-saṃvara): Avoiding excessive engagement with external stimuli that trigger craving.
• Developing contentment (santuṭṭhi): Appreciating simplicity and reducing dependence on external gratification.

Monk Meditates with a Tiger

(2) Overcoming Byāpāda (Ill-Will)

Ill-will manifests as anger, irritation, or resentment toward others or oneself. It is counteracted by:
• Practicing mettā-bhāvanā (loving-kindness meditation): Generating goodwill toward all beings to dissolve anger.
• Reflecting on the benefits of forgiveness: Recognizing that holding onto anger is like “grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned” (Dhammapada).
• Seeing others as conditioned beings: Understanding that people act according to their past kamma and mental conditioning reduces personal resentment.
• Contemplating the law of kamma: Recognizing that hatred and vengeance only lead to further suffering.

Sloth and Torpor

(3) Overcoming Thīna-Middha (Sloth and Torpor)

Sloth (thīna) and torpor (middha) dull the mind, making it difficult to focus. To counteract this:
• Changing posture and increasing alertness: Walking meditation (cankama) or opening the eyes can reduce drowsiness.
• Examining the cause of lethargy: Sometimes it results from overeating, lack of proper rest, or insufficient motivation.
• Generating energy (vīriya): Reminding oneself of the urgency of practice (saṃvega) and the fleeting nature of life.
• Focusing on brightness: Visualizing light or practicing meditation in a well-lit area.
• Developing mindfulness (sati): Being present and fully engaged with the object of meditation.


(4) Overcoming Uddhacca-Kukkucca (Restlessness and Remorse)

Restlessness (uddhacca) is agitation due to excessive mental activity, while remorse (kukkucca) is guilt over past actions. These are overcome by:
• Strengthening mindfulness (sati): Anchoring attention in the present moment, especially through ānāpānasati (mindfulness of breathing).
• Letting go of the past and future: Recognizing that ruminating on past mistakes or future worries serves no purpose.
• Developing equanimity (upekkhā): Accepting things as they are, without being disturbed by them.
• Focusing on a single meditation object: Instead of allowing the mind to jump between thoughts, keeping it fixed on the breath or bodily sensations.

Mental Hindrances, Nimitta (apparitions)

(5) Overcoming Vicikicchā (Doubt)

Doubt prevents commitment to the practice. It is overcome by:
• Studying the Dhamma deeply: Gaining intellectual clarity on the path and its fruits through sutta study and Dhamma discussions.
• Applying faith (saddhā) balanced with wisdom (paññā): Faith gives motivation, while wisdom ensures discernment.
• Testing the teachings through direct experience: Practicing consistently and observing changes in the mind builds confidence.
• Seeking guidance from an experienced teacher (kalyāṇa-mitta): Clarifying doubts with those who have walked the path.
• Understanding the progressive nature of insight: Realizing that uncertainty is natural at the beginning but diminishes with continued practice.

Unsurety of what lies beyond

3. Applying This in Vipassanā Practice
• Developing continuous mindfulness: Being aware of the arising and passing of the hindrances without identifying with them.
• Recognizing hindrances as conditioned phenomena: Seeing them as impermanent mental states rather than intrinsic qualities of the self.
• Practicing wise attention (yoniso-manasikāra): Investigating the hindrances with discernment rather than reacting emotionally.
• Maintaining a regular practice: Consistency in meditation weakens the hindrances over time.


Multi Armed Buddha (Bodhisattva)

The pañca nīvaraṇāni are major obstacles in meditation, but they can be overcome through skillful practice. By applying specific antidotes—such as loving-kindness for ill-will, sense-restraint for sensual desire, and mindfulness for restlessness—one can cultivate samādhi and develop vipassanā-ñāṇa. Through perseverance and right effort (sammā-vāyāma), the mind becomes increasingly purified, leading to deeper insight and ultimately, liberation (vimutti).

dhamma wheel

The Practice of the 8-Fold Path step 1 – How to Develop Right Intention

“Right Intention: Starting with the understanding of right intention, one must cultivate wisdom,  love, compassion, and non-violence. These qualities enable you to align your thoughts, words, actions,  intentions, and feelings with the goals of awakening”

The Eight-Fold Path is a Buddhist path that aims to liberate individuals from suffering and attain enlightenment. Here’s an explanation of how it can be applied:

1. Right Intention: To begin the path to awakening, it’s essential to cultivate a mindset of wisdom, love, compassion, and non-violence. This foundation enables you to align your thoughts, words, actions, and emotions with the principles of spiritual growth. it’s crucial to establish a strong foundation rooted in wisdom, love, compassion, and non-violence. This harmonious blend of qualities enables you to cultivate a deep understanding of yourself and the world around you, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and purpose. By embracing wisdom, you develop the ability to discern truth from illusion, making informed decisions that align with your values and goals. Love and compassion, on the other hand, foster a sense of empathy and connection with others, helping you to build meaningful relationships and create a more harmonious community. Non-violence, in its broadest sense, encourages you to approach conflicts and challenges with a spirit of understanding and cooperation, rather than resistance and aggression. As these qualities become an integral part of your being, you’ll find that your thoughts, words, actions, and emotions begin to resonate in harmony with the principles of spiritual growth, guiding you towards a more awakened and enlightened state of being.

2. Right Intentions: This involves developing strong moral character traits such as honesty, integrity, and responsibility. Right intent is essential for a person’s behavior, so this path guides individuals on how to lead an ethical life.

3. Right Understanding: The path also emphasizes understanding the nature of suffering. By understanding that all beings experience suffering, one can develop compassion, equanimity, and wisdom. This understanding enables individuals to relate more deeply with others and understand their own lives
from a different perspective.

4. Right Thought: Cultivating non-violence (Ahimsa) involves avoiding harm and injustice. Understanding this principle helps prevent harm towards oneself and those around us. It is essential for the  spiritual path because it forms the basis of ethical conduct, including treating all beings with

5. Right Speech: Speaking truth to authority can help others understand your beliefs better and respect you more. This means speaking from heart rather than mindless speech. It also involves avoiding harmful words that can harm others.

6. Right Action: By working towards actions or goals, one can achieve spiritual growth and develop wisdom. Actions should be based on principles of truth, justice, and compassion instead of personal desires or emotions.

7. Right Livelihood: This path focuses on developing a livelihood in accordance with ethical standards. It involves engaging in work that is socially beneficial and gives back to the community.

8. Right Effort: In this path, one builds their strength through meditation and practice, which leads to wisdom and inner peace. It involves understanding and accepting limitations of our physical bodies and mind.

9. Right Mindfulness: Cultivating mindfulness can help individuals stay present in the moment and observe their thoughts without judgment. This is crucial for emotional intelligence, as it allows them to be aware of their own thoughts and emotions without getting caught up in them.

10. Right Concentration: In this path, one develops concentration through meditation exercises. It helps improve focus, clarity of mind, and mental health.

The Eight-Fold Path can be seen as the foundation of the Buddha-Dhamma (VIII) by emphasizing that spiritual growth is a continuous process rather than a temporary achievement or goal. The eightfold path is a roadmap for one’s journey towards enlightenment, allowing them to follow their intention with wisdom and compassion.

Dhamma-wheel- - AI Art by Google Gemini

Here are some practical tips for developing right intention as part of the Eight-Fold Path:

  1. Start Small: Begin by cultivating one or two key qualities at a time. For example, if you want to increase your ability to love others, start with just being kind to yourself and those closest to you.
  2. Practice Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your actions and words. Think about how you perceive others and what messages you are sending when you speak or think negatively. This helps in cultivating a more positive self-image and helping you see the good in everyone around you.
  3. Meditate Daily: Dedicate a few minutes each day to meditation, whether it’s through mindfulness exercises or guided meditations. The goal is not just to practice but to make daily activities meaningful rather than merely filling time with thoughts of work or stress.
  4. Seek Guidance and Support: Surround yourself with people who support your path. This could be friends, mentors, or spiritual leaders. Having a community that encourages you can help spread the seeds of right intention more broadly.
  5. Share Your Wisdom: Share what you’ve learned about right intentions with others. If someone else is practicing compassion or loving-kindness towards themselves and others, it’s another way to contribute to the growth of your own inner world.
  6. Develop Physical Presence: Focus on activities that bring you joy and peace in your life. Engaging in physical exercise, art, or hobbies can help cultivate a sense of well-being and connection with one’s surroundings.
  7. Use Your Body Language: Be mindful of how you present yourself physically. Good posture, good posture (whether it’s comfortable sitting or standing) helps in maintaining balance and promoting harmony within oneself.
  8. Be Kind to Yourself: Cultivate kindness towards yourself when practicing right intentions. Treat yourself with compassion rather than judgment, helping to maintain a state of equanimity.
  9. Reflect on Personal Growth: Periodically ask yourself: “What can I do better today?” This practice helps in identifying and correcting areas where you may need more guidance or support as you continue your journey towards enlightenment.
  10. Create Meaningful Relationships: Engage with people who are supportive of your path, whether through shared experiences or a community that fosters mutual growth.

By practicing these tips, you can gradually enhance your ability to cultivate right intention in various aspects of life, making it an integral part of the Eight-Fold Path as part of your spiritual journey. Remember, each step contributes to the greater goal of awakening and enlightenment.

The Buddha’s Teaching on Tilakkhana: Understanding the 3 Marks of Existence

In Buddhist philosophy, there are several key concepts that help us understand the nature of reality and our place within it. One such concept is tilakkhana, also known as the three marks of existence or the three characteristics of existence. These marks were first introduced by the Buddha himself in his teachings on the nature of suffering and the path to liberation.
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into each of these marks, exploring their meaning, significance, and practical applications for our daily lives. Whether you are a seasoned Buddhist practitioner or simply curious about the teachings of the Buddha, this explanation is designed to be clear, concise, and accessible to readers.

Dhamma-wheel- - AI Art by Google Gemini

Mark 1: Anicca (Impermanence/Transitoriness)

The first mark of existence is anicca, which refers to the impermanent or transitory nature of all phenomena. This means that everything in life is constantly changing, nothing remains static or permanent. Even the most seemingly solid and enduring things are subject to change, decay, and ultimately, destruction.
To illustrate this concept, consider a candle flame. The flame appears to be constant and unchanging, but it is actually impermanent and ephemeral. It flickers, dances, and eventually extinguishes itself. This is anicca in action – the flame’s existence is temporary and subject to change.


Anicca has several key implications for our understanding of reality:

Nothing remains the same: Anicca teaches us that everything is constantly changing, including ourselves. Our thoughts, emotions, physical bodies, and even our relationships with others are all impermanent.

Change is inevitable: Impermanence means that change is an inherent part of life. We must learn to accept this reality and adapt to the ever-changing world around us.
No permanent self exists: Anicca challenges the idea of a fixed, unchanging self or ego. Instead, we are constantly evolving and changing, like the wind.

Mark 2: Dukkha (Suffering)

The disturbing worlds of Hieronymous Bosch style are made by Gemini from Google

The second mark of existence is dukkha, which refers to suffering or dissatisfaction in life. This can take many forms, including physical pain, emotional distress, mental anguish, and even seemingly minor annoyances. Dukkha arises from our attachment to things that are impermanent and unreliable.
To illustrate this concept, consider a person who becomes deeply attached to their possessions. They may experience joy when they acquire new items, but as soon as the object loses its value or is taken away, they feel suffering and disappointment. This is dukkha in action – our attachment to things that are impermanent leads us into unnecessary pain.

Dukkha has several key implications for our understanding of reality:
Suffering arises from craving: Dukkha teaches us that we create our own suffering by clinging to things that are impermanent and unreliable. When we crave something, we set ourselves up for disappointment.

Attachment leads to pain: Our attachment to things, people, or ideas can lead to great suffering when they inevitably change or disappear.
Freedom from dukkha requires letting go: To overcome suffering, we must learn to let go of our attachments and accept the impermanent nature of all phenomena.

Dhammapada PDF Ebook from Buddhanet (Free).

The third mark of existence is anattā, which refers to the lack of a permanent or unchanging self. This means that there is no fixed, essential core to our being; instead, we are constantly changing and evolving like the wind. To illustrate this concept, consider a river. The water in the river appears to be constant, but it’s actually constantly flowing and changing. Similarly, our thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies are all impermanent and subject to change.

Anattā has several key implications for our understanding of reality:
No permanent self exists: Anattā teaches us that there is no fixed, unchanging core to our being. We are constantly evolving: Our thoughts, emotions, and experiences are always changing; we must learn to adapt to these changes. To Attain Freedom from Avicca (False Views), we must gain true understanding of the nature of, and the the meaning of anattā, requires non-identification: To overcome the illusion of a permanent self, we must learn to let go of our attachments and cease to identify with things that are impermanent.

selfless are the angels

Practical Applications: Understanding Tilakkhana in Daily Life

Now that we have explored each of the three marks of existence, how can we apply this understanding to our daily lives?
Acceptance: Recognize that everything is constantly changing, including ourselves. Accepting anicca means embracing change and impermanence.
Non-attachment: Let go of attachments to things, people, or ideas that are impermanent and unreliable. This will help you avoid unnecessary suffering.
Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness by being present in the moment, observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment. This will help you develop a greater understanding of anattā.

Compassion: Practice compassion towards yourself and others when we experience dukkha or suffering. Recognize that everyone is impermanent and subject to change.

The Buddha’s teaching on Tilakkhana provides us with a profound understanding of the nature of reality and our place within it. By recognizing anicca, dukkha, and anattā, we can develop greater acceptance, non-attachment, mindfulness, and compassion in our daily lives.
As you reflect on these marks, remember that they are not just abstract concepts but living realities that shape our experiences every day. May this understanding guide you towards a deeper sense of peace, liberation, and freedom from suffering.

Recommended Reading

For those interested in exploring the Buddha’s teachings further, we recommend the following texts:
The Dhammapada: A collection of teachings attributed to the Buddha himself.
The Sutta Pitaka: A comprehensive collection of Buddhist scriptures that include discussions on tilakkhana and other key concepts.
“The Three Marks of Existence” by Bhikkhu Bodhi: An in-depth exploration of each mark, including practical applications for daily life.

Final Thoughts

Tilakkhana is a powerful tool for understanding the nature of reality and our place within it. By embracing anicca, dukkha, and anattā, we can develop greater acceptance, non-attachment, mindfulness, and compassion in our daily lives. May this teaching guide you towards a deeper sense of peace, liberation, and freedom from suffering.

Additional Resources;
For those interested in exploring the Buddha’s teachings further, we recommend:
Buddhist scriptures: The Pali Canon, Mahayana sutras, and other Buddhist texts offer insights into tilakkhana and its practical applications.
Meditation retreats: Participating in meditation retreats can provide a deeper understanding of the marks and their application to daily life.
Online courses and workshops: Various online resources offer comprehensive teachings on tilakkhana and related topics.
By embracing this teaching, we may find greater peace, liberation, and freedom from suffering.

Buddha Consciousness Medium

Many people believe consciousness to be the main element of enlightenment, or requisite. This is in Buddha-Dhamma, a ridiculous idea, as the process of cessation in dependent origination includes the cessation of consciousness, which IS a requisite to Nirvana. Nirvana is not Enlightenment, it is the State an Enlightened Being is in when they have Died and no longer are confined by the constraints of a Mortal Body.
watching myself go by
To assist in correcting this false idea, that Consciousness is an inherent and necessary component of Enlightenment, here are ten cases where the mere presence of consciousness does not lead to enlightenment, with short explanations why;
Distraction by Mundane Thoughts:
Mere consciousness may be occupied by ordinary, mundane thoughts, preventing the focus necessary for enlightenment. The mind needs to be directed towards higher understanding.
Attachment to Desires:
Consciousness preoccupied with cravings and desires can hinder enlightenment. Liberation requires overcoming the clinging nature of such desires.
Egoic Identification:
If consciousness is strongly identified with the ego, enlightenment becomes elusive. True understanding arises when one transcends the illusion of a fixed and separate self.
Lack of Mindfulness:
Unmindful consciousness can lead to scattered attention and hinder the deep awareness required for enlightenment. Mindfulness is crucial for sustained focus.
Negative Emotions Dominance:
Consciousness overshadowed by negative emotions like anger, fear, or hatred may obstruct the path to enlightenment. Emotional balance is essential for clarity.
Intellectual Arrogance:
Excessive intellectualism without humility can hinder spiritual growth. True enlightenment involves a holistic understanding that goes beyond intellectual prowess.

Der Strange Phenomenon of Consciousness Medium

Unresolved Past Trauma:
Consciousness carrying unresolved past traumas may be clouded by emotional distress, impeding the clarity necessary for enlightenment.
Rigid Belief Systems:
A consciousness bound by rigid belief systems may resist new insights and hinder the openness required for enlightenment. Flexibility is essential for growth.
Dualistic Thinking:
Consciousness stuck in dualistic thinking, perceiving things as black or white, may struggle to grasp the interconnected and interdependent nature of reality.
Lack of Compassion:
Enlightenment often involves a deep sense of compassion. Consciousness lacking compassion may miss the interconnectedness and altruism inherent in spiritual awakening.
Consciousness within Medium
The mere presence of consciousness does not guarantee enlightenment when it is entangled in distractions, attachments, egoic identifications, or lacks the necessary qualities such as mindfulness, emotional balance, and compassion. The path to enlightenment involves a transformative journey beyond these hindrances.
There are many hindrances to enlightenment, but above all of the plethora of small hindrances there are five main hindrances to enlightenment, and they are known as such in Buddhism

1. Desire (kāmacchanda): This hindrance refers to the craving for sensory pleasures and attachment to them. It can manifest as an intense longing for material possessions, pleasurable experiences, or even indulgence in sensual desires. For example, constantly yearning for the latest gadgets or feeling the need to consume excessive amounts of food or entertainment.
To overcome desire, practitioners are encouraged to cultivate mindfulness and investigate the impermanent and unsatisfactory nature of sensory pleasures. Developing contentment with what one has and practicing moderation in consumption can also help reduce attachment to desires.

The Conscious Observer, Absence and Presence Medium

2. Aversion (vyāpāda): Aversion, also known as ill-will or aversion, encompasses feelings of hostility, anger, resentment, or hatred towards oneself or others. It arises when we encounter situations or people that we find disagreeable or threatening. For instance, feeling irritated by a coworker’s behavior or holding a grudge against someone who wronged us.
To counter aversion, practitioners can cultivate loving-kindness (mettā) meditation to develop compassion and goodwill towards oneself and others. Practicing forgiveness and understanding the root causes of anger or resentment can also help alleviate these negative emotions.

Consciousness Pervading Medium

3. Sloth and Torpor (thīna-middha): Sloth refers to sluggishness or laziness of mind and body, while torpor refers to dullness or mental lethargy. These hindrances manifest as feelings of drowsiness, heaviness, or mental fog, making it challenging to engage in meditation or other spiritual practices. For example, feeling lethargic and unmotivated to meditate or pursue spiritual goals.
To overcome sloth and torpor, practitioners can cultivate energy (viriya) through practices such as mindfulness of the body or engaging in physical activity. Taking breaks to stretch or practice walking meditation can also help invigorate the mind and body.

restlessness, worry, depression, afflictive emotions

4. Restlessness and Worry (uddhacca-kukkucca): Restlessness refers to a scattered or agitated mind, while worry involves excessive anxiety or concern about past or future events. These hindrances create mental agitation and prevent concentration and tranquility in meditation. For instance, feeling anxious about upcoming deadlines or replaying past mistakes in the mind.
To alleviate restlessness and worry, practitioners can cultivate mindfulness of breathing to anchor the mind in the present moment. Recognizing and accepting the impermanent nature of thoughts and emotions can help reduce mental agitation. Cultivating contentment and gratitude for the present moment can also promote inner peace and calm.


5. Doubt (vicikicchā): Doubt refers to uncertainty or indecision about one’s spiritual path or practice. It can manifest as skepticism towards teachings, oneself, or others, leading to wavering faith or lack of confidence. For example, questioning the effectiveness of meditation practices or doubting one’s ability to attain spiritual progress.

The Serene Buddha

To overcome doubt, practitioners can cultivate wisdom (paññā) through studying the teachings of the Buddha and seeking guidance from experienced teachers or spiritual mentors. Reflecting on one’s own experiences and observing the benefits of spiritual practice can also help strengthen faith and resolve doubts.

The Buddha with a Serene Expression3

In addition to these practices, maintaining a regular meditation practice, attending spiritual retreats, and cultivating virtuous qualities such as patience, generosity, and ethical conduct are also emphasized in Buddhism as effective methods for overcoming the hindrances and progressing on the path towards liberation.

Vipassana Kammathāna is a profound approach to cultivating insight and mindfulness. Rooted in the Thai Forest Tradition Buddhism, Vipassana Kammathāna provides seekers with a transformative path that not only brings clarity to the mind but also nurtures an awakening to the profound nature of existence.

Understanding Vipassana Kammathāna

At its core, Vipassana Kammathāna is a form of meditation that goes beyond the conventional techniques of mindfulness. It is a method deeply embedded in the teachings of the Buddha and emphasizes direct experiential insight into the true nature of reality. The word “Vipassana” itself translates to “insight” or “clear-seeing,” and “Kammathāna” refers to a meditation subject or a method of practice. When combined, these terms encapsulate the essence of Vipassana Kammathāna as a systematic approach to developing penetrating insight through meditative practice.

The Buddha's Serene Expression


Thai Forest Tradition Buddhism and Vipassana

Vipassana Kammathāna finds its roots intertwined with the Thai Forest Tradition of Buddhism, which has been preserved and passed down through generations of dedicated practitioners. This tradition places great emphasis on solitude, simplicity, and direct experience. Monastics and practitioners of the Thai Forest Tradition seek to deepen their understanding of the Dhamma by immersing themselves in nature and engaging in intensive meditation practices.

Tudong Monk meditating in inner harmony

The Journey of Insight

At the heart of Vipassana Kammathāna is the practice of cultivating insight through observing the true nature of phenomena. This practice encourages practitioners to observe their experiences without attachment or aversion, thus gaining insight into the impermanent, unsatisfactory, and selfless nature of reality. The objective is to break down the illusions of permanence and identity that often cloud our perception.

The Eightfold Path and Vipassana

The Eightfold Path, a fundamental aspect of Buddhist teachings, finds a natural companion in Vipassana Kammathāna. This path includes elements such as Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. Vipassana aligns with Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration, providing practitioners with a structured way to develop these factors and integrate them into their daily lives.

Tudong Monks

The Role of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a cornerstone of Vipassana Kammathāna. Practitioners are encouraged to cultivate moment-to-moment awareness, observing physical sensations, mental states, and emotions as they arise and pass away. By sharpening their mindfulness, practitioners can penetrate the layers of conditioned habits and gain insight into the true nature of suffering and liberation.

The Buddha with a Serene Expression3

The Transcendent Journey

Vipassana Kammathāna is not merely an intellectual exercise but a profound journey that transcends words and concepts. Through patient and diligent practice, practitioners gradually dismantle the veils that obscure reality, leading to transformative insights and a deepening of wisdom. It is a journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to confront the illusions that bind us. Incorporating the teachings of Vipassana Kammathāna into one’s life can lead to a heightened understanding of oneself and the world. It provides a means to cultivate mindfulness, wisdom, and compassion, leading to a more liberated and awakened existence. As you enter the world of Thai Forest Tradition Buddhism and Vipassana Kammathāna, keep in mind the invaluable practices outlined in the translated list below. These practices offer a roadmap for developing insight, mindfulness, and a profound connection to the teachings of the Buddha.

Monk on a Mountainside

Categories of Kasina Meditation (Elemental Meditation) 10:

This is the practice of meditation using the method of focusing on:

  1. Patavi Kasina – Earth Element
  2. Apo Kasina – Water Element
  3. Tejo Kasina – Fire Element
  4. Vayo Kasina – Air Element
  5. Nilakasina – Blue Element
  6. Pita Kasina – Yellow Element
  7. Lohitakasina – Red Element
  8. Odakasina – White Element
  9. Aloka Kasina – Light Element
  10. Akasa Kasina – Space Element

Category of Asubha Kammatthana (Contemplation of Repulsiveness) 10:

This involves contemplating the unattractive nature of the body:

  1. Uthumatta Asubha – A bloated corpse
  2. Vineelee Asubha – “Green” and decomposed corpse
  3. Vipubbakha Asubha – A corpse oozing with fluids
  4. Vichidda Asubha – A dismembered corpse
  5. Vikkhitta Asubha – A partially eaten corpse
  6. Viggayha Asubha – A scattered corpse
  7. Hathabhata Asubha – A mutilated corpse
  8. Lohitakumbhi Asubha – A corpse filled with blood and pus
  9. Puluṭṭhi Asubha – A maggot-infested corpse
  10. Attakilamatha Asubha – A skeletonized corpse

Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation

Category of Anussati Kammatthana (Recollection Meditation) 10:

This involves recollecting various aspects:

  1. Buddha Anussati – Recollection of the Buddha
  2. Dhamma Anussati – Recollection of the Dhamma
  3. Sangha Anussati – Recollection of the Sangha
  4. Sila Anussati – Recollection of morality
  5. Caga Anussati – Recollection of generosity
  6. Devata Anussati – Recollection of celestial beings
  7. Maraṇasati – Recollection of death
  8. Kāyagatāsati – Mindfulness of the body
  9. Upasamānussati – Recollection of peace
  10. Arahatta Anussati – Recollection of arahantship
Nibbana is The Mind Stilled

Nibbana is The Mind Stilled

Category of Adhisīla Sikkhāpadakammatthana (Training in Higher Morality) 10:

This involves developing higher morality:

  1. Ahimsaka Sikkha – Training in non-harming
  2. Sabbapāpassa Akaranam – Abstaining from all evil
  3. Kusalassa Upasampadā – Fulfilling all good
  4. Sīlabbataparāmāsa – Renouncing wrong livelihood
  5. Musāvāda Veramaṇī – Refraining from false speech
  6. Pisuṇā Vācā Veramaṇī – Refraining from divisive speech
  7. Pharusā Vācā Veramaṇī – Refraining from harsh speech
  8. Samphappalāpa Veramaṇī – Refraining from idle chatter
  9. Abrahmacariyā Veramaṇī – Abstaining from sexual misconduct
  10. Surāmeraya Majja Pamādaṭṭhāna Veramaṇī – Abstaining from intoxicants causing heedlessness

Buddha Lands

Category of Dhatu Vavatthana (Elemental Meditation) 4:

This involves contemplating the composition of the body:

  1. Dhatu Vavatthana – Contemplating the Four Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air

Category of Brahma Viharas (Sublime Abidings) 4:

This involves developing sublime states of mind:

  1. Metta – Loving-kindness
  2. Karuna – Compassion
  3. Mudita – Sympathetic Joy
  4. Upekkha – Equanimity
Tired of Self Created Suffering

Anijja – the Glass is already broken

Category of Arupa Vavatthana (Formless Meditation) 4:

This involves practicing formless meditations:

  1. Akasaññayatana – Sphere of Infinite Space
  2. Viññañañcayatana – Sphere of Infinite Consciousness
  3. Akincanayatana – Sphere of Nothingness
  4. Nevasaññānāsaññayatana – Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception.

The Serene Buddha

May your journey into Vipassana Kammathāna be one of discovery, growth, and deep transformation. May your practices and efforts become the causes of Awakening and Liberation from Illusory thought and perception of existence. May all Beings be Happy, knowing the True Happiness that Knows No End, that is Nibbāna,

Cultivating Inner Harmony: Nurturing Positive Qualities to Overcome Negativity

In the pursuit of personal growth and inner peace, one significant hurdle we often encounter is negativity. Whether it manifests as anger, frustration, or a general sense of dissatisfaction, negativity can hinder our well-being and hinder our relationships. Fortunately, the teachings of the Dhamma offer profound wisdom and practical guidance for addressing and transforming negativity into positive qualities. In this article, we will explore the principles of the Dhamma and how they can help us navigate the challenges of negativity in our lives.

Tudong Monk meditating in inner harmony

  1. Recognizing the Nature of Negativity: Negativity, in its various forms, stems from a fundamental resistance to accepting and embracing the present moment. It arises when we reject our experiences and harbor an unwillingness to be fully present with them. By understanding that negativity is rooted in this resistance, we can begin to explore ways to transform it.
  2. Cultivating Wholesome Desire: A key aspect of the Dhamma is the exploration of desire and its effects on our well-being. While craving arises from a lack of understanding and leads to dissatisfaction, wholesome desire emerges from wisdom and insight. By nurturing wholesome desires, such as the aspiration for inner peace and the well-being of oneself and others, we align our intentions with the path of growth and harmony.
  3. Transforming Negative Emotions: The Dhamma offers powerful tools for transforming negative emotions into positive qualities. Mindfulness plays a crucial role in this process, as it enables us to observe our emotions without judgment or attachment. Through mindfulness, we become aware of the physical and mental cues that precede negativity, allowing us to respond skillfully rather than react impulsively.
  4. The Power of Compassion: Compassion is another essential aspect of the Dhamma that helps us overcome negativity. By cultivating compassion towards ourselves and others, we develop a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings. Compassion allows us to let go of anger, judgment, and resentment, replacing them with empathy, forgiveness, and loving-kindness.
  5. Wise Reflection and Self-Compassion: In our journey towards overcoming negativity, it is crucial to engage in wise reflection and self-compassion. Instead of being harsh and judgmental towards ourselves, we can cultivate a gentle and understanding attitude. By reflecting on our actions, thoughts, and emotions, we can identify patterns of negativity and consciously choose to respond with wisdom and kindness.

Impermeable Buddha

Dealing with negativity is a universal challenge, but the teachings of the Dhamma provide profound insights and practical tools for transformation. By recognizing the nature of negativity, cultivating wholesome desires, and embracing mindfulness and compassion, we can embark on a journey of inner growth and harmony.

As we develop these positive qualities, we not only uplift ourselves but also create a ripple effect of positivity that extends to our relationships, communities, and the world at large. Let us embrace the teachings of the Dhamma and strive to cultivate inner harmony in the face of negativity.

Kavi the flying monk

Once upon a time, in a land where wisdom bloomed like lotus flowers, there lived a young monk named Kavi, who possessed a gift unlike any other—he could levitate seven stories high. Word of his extraordinary power spread far and wide, reaching even the Buddha’s ears.
Curiosity stirred within the hearts of the people, whispering that Kavi’s ability made him greater than the Buddha himself. These rumors grew, creating a divide among the seekers of truth. The Buddha, aware of the growing confusion, decided to address the matter during his monthly sermon.
Under the shade of a grand tree, the Buddha invited Kavi to share his teachings with the assembly of monks. The air buzzed with anticipation as Kavi ascended the makeshift podium, symbolizing the journey to greater understanding.
Yet, as Kavi stood before the expectant audience, his heart fluttered, and his voice escaped him. Though he possessed the power to command the winds, he lacked the wisdom to guide the thoughts and hearts of others. The whispers in the crowd turned to silence, and the truth became clear.
The Buddha gently approached Kavi, compassion glowing in his eyes. He spoke softly, “Dear Kavi, your ability to manipulate the winds and float in the air, which is a remarkable spectacle. But the path to enlightenment is not paved with grand displays of power. True wisdom lies in the purity of practice and the deep understanding of the causes of suffering and liberation.”
Kavi’s gaze met the Buddha’s, and he felt a stirring within his being—a realization that true greatness resides in the awakening of one’s own heart. From that moment, Kavi dedicated himself to the noble pursuit of wisdom, setting aside the allure of his party trick.
Word of this encounter spread throughout the land, carrying with it a valuable lesson for all who heard. The fable of Kavi, the Wind Whisperer, taught people that the pursuit of true enlightenment rests not in showcasing extraordinary abilities, but in cultivating inner peace and compassion.
It reminded both children and adults alike, that the journey to wisdom, lies in the simplicity of understanding suffering, practicing mindfulness, and nurturing the seeds of kindness within. And in this understanding, they discovered that the true essence of enlightenment resides not in the realm of miraculous feats, but in the boundless love and wisdom that blossoms within the human heart.


Arahantship and Nibbāna: The Path to Enlightenment and the Cessation of Suffering

Enlightenment, or Arahantship, is the ultimate goal of Buddhist practice. It is the state of complete liberation from suffering and the cycle of rebirth. In this book, we will explore the path to enlightenment and the various practices and teachings that lead to it.

Becoming an Arahant

To become an Arahant, one must first understand the nature of suffering and its causes. This is where the Four Noble Truths come in.

The Four Noble Truths

  1. The truth of suffering (dukkha)
  2. The truth of the cause of suffering (samudaya)
  3. The truth of the cessation of suffering (nirodha)
  4. The truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering (magga)

By understanding these truths, one can begin to see the impermanence and unsatisfactoriness of all things, and the need to seek liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

The Three Marks of Existence

To further understand the nature of suffering, one must also understand the Three Marks of Existence.

  1. Impermanence (anicca)
  2. Non-self (anatta)
  3. Suffering (dukkha)

By understanding these marks, one can begin to see the impermanence and emptiness of all things, and the need to let go of attachments and desires.

Happiness is Found Within

The Five Aggregates (Skandhas)

The Five Aggregates, or Skandhas, are the components that make up a being.

  1. Form (rupa)
  2. Sensation (vedana)
  3. Perception (sanna)
  4. Mental formations (sankhara)
  5. Consciousness (vinnana)

By understanding the nature of these aggregates and their impermanence, one can begin to see the illusory nature of the self.

Monk on a Mountainside

Cause and Effect

Cause and effect, or karma, is the concept that all actions have consequences.

By understanding the nature of karma and the interdependent nature of all things, one can begin to take responsibility for their actions and strive to act in a way that leads to positive outcomes.

Dependent Origination

Dependent Origination, or Paticca Samuppada, is the concept that all things arise in dependence upon causes and conditions.

By understanding the nature of dependent origination, one can begin to see the interdependent nature of all things and the need to break the cycle of suffering by uprooting the causes of suffering.

Monk Meditating


Dhyāna, or meditation, is a key practice in Buddhism. By cultivating concentration and mindfulness, one can begin to see the nature of reality and develop insight into the true nature of the self and the world around us.

The 40 Vipassanā Practices

The 40 Vipassanā practices are a set of contemplations that help to cultivate insight into the nature of reality.

By practicing these contemplations, one can begin to see the true nature of phenomena and develop wisdom and understanding.

The Four Sathipatāna

The Four Sathipatāna, or foundations of mindfulness, are a set of practices that help to cultivate mindfulness and awareness. By practicing these foundations, one can develop the ability to see the nature of reality as it truly is.

Happiness is Non-Self

The 16 Anapanasati Practices of Mindfulness of Breathing

The 16 Anapanasati practices of mindfulness of breathing are a set of practices that help to cultivate mindfulness and concentration. By practicing these practices, one can develop a deep awareness of the breath and the body, and begin to cultivate a sense of calm and inner peace. The 16 practices are divided into four stages, each of which is designed to develop a specific aspect of mindfulness and concentration.

First stage

In the first stage, the practitioner focuses on the physical sensations of the breath. The aim is to become aware of the breath as it enters and leaves the body, and to focus on the sensations of the breath as it moves through the nose, throat, chest, and abdomen.

Second stage

In the second stage, the focus shifts to the mental aspect of the breath. The practitioner observes the breath as a mental object and aims to develop a clear awareness of the breath, without getting lost in thoughts, emotions, or distractions.

Third stage

In the third stage, the practitioner develops a deeper awareness of the relationship between the breath and the body. The aim is to observe the breath and the body as a unified whole, and to develop a sense of ease and relaxation in the body.

Fourth stage

In the fourth stage, the focus shifts to the development of insight into the nature of the mind and the body. The aim is to observe the breath and the mind as they arise and pass away, and to develop a clear understanding of the impermanence and non-self nature of all phenomena.

Through the practice of these 16 Anapanasati practices of mindfulness of breathing, the practitioner can develop a deep and stable concentration, and cultivate the wisdom and insight necessary to attain Arahantship and Nibbāna.

novice monks thailand

Dependent Origination

Dependent origination is a fundamental teaching in Buddhism that explains the causes and conditions that give rise to suffering and the path to liberation. Dependent origination describes how all phenomena arise in dependence upon other phenomena, and how this interconnectedness gives rise to the cycle of birth and death.

Dependent origination is often depicted as a chain of 12 links, each of which represents a different aspect of the process of becoming and rebirth. The links are:

  1. Ignorance (avijjā)
  2. Volitional formations (saṅkhāra)
  3. Consciousness (viññāṇa)
  4. Name and form (nāmarūpa)
  5. Six sense bases (saḷāyatana)
  6. Contact (phassa)
  7. Feeling (vedanā)
  8. Craving (taṇhā)
  9. Clinging (upādāna)
  10. Becoming (bhava)
  11. Birth (jāti)
  12. Aging and death (jarāmaraṇa)

Each link in the chain is dependent upon the previous link and gives rise to the next link in turn. The first link, ignorance, is the root cause of the entire process of becoming and rebirth, and the aim of Buddhist practice is to uproot this ignorance and attain the freedom of Nibbāna.

LP Mun

The Vipassana Kammathāna Thai Forest Monks’ Tradition

The Vipassana Kammathāna Thai Forest Monks’ Tradition is a lineage of Theravada Buddhism that emphasizes the practice of mindfulness and insight meditation. This tradition is known for its rigorous and austere approach to practice, and its emphasis on the direct experience of the Dhamma.

Origins of the Tradition

The Vipassana Kammathāna Thai Forest Monks’ Tradition traces its origins back to the forest meditation masters of Thailand, such as Luang Pu Mun Bhuridatta Thera and Ajahn Chah. This tradition emphasizes the importance of meditation practice in the cultivation of wisdom and insight, and places great emphasis on the practice of mindfulness in daily life.

Thai Forest Monks on Tudong

Continuing the Tradition

Today, the Vipassana Kammathāna Thai Forest Monks’ tradition continues to thrive with many monasteries and meditation centers throughout Thailand, and around the world. The teachings and practices of this tradition have had a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals, both monastic and lay.

One of the most prominent figures in this tradition was Luang Por Chah, who was known for his simple and direct style of teaching. His teachings emphasized the importance of mindfulness and meditation in everyday life, and he encouraged his students to develop a deep understanding of the nature of the mind and the body.

Spreading the Teachings

Luang Por Chah’s teachings were carried on by many of his Western ordained students, including Ajahn Sumedho, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, and Ajahn Amaro. These teachers have continued to spread the teachings of the Thai Forest tradition to the West, and have established many meditation centers and monasteries throughout Europe and North America.

Tudong Monks

Emphasis on Mindfulness, Concentration, and Insight

The Vipassana Kammathāna Thai Forest tradition, is one of the last remaining traditions of practice, that remains true to the original practices of the monks who practiced in the times of the Buddha. It is a tradition that places a strong emphasis on mindfulness, concentration, and insight, and has helped many individuals to cultivate a deep understanding of the nature of the mind and the body, and to experience the freedom and peace that comes with enlightenment.

To summarize, the path to Arahantship and Nibbāna is a profound and transformative journey, that requires dedication, perseverance, and a deep commitment to the teachings and practices of the Buddha. By following the Noble Eightfold Path and cultivating mindfulness, concentration, and insight, one can free oneself from the cycle of suffering and experience the true peace and happiness that comes with enlightenment.

The Serene Buddha


I offer my sincerest gratitude to the Triple Gem and all those who have contributed to the development of the Buddha’s teachings throughout history. I also ask for forgiveness for any unintentional mistakes or errors which may have occured in this article (if any). May all beings be free from suffering and experience true peace and happiness.


Ajarn Spencer Littlewood

I Transcribed this teaching from an audio file recording of a Dhamma Teaching by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Please click the player t0 listen as you scroll down to read. This is a supreme Dhamma teaching, and essential to finding the end of suffering and stress, and transmuting unhappiness into happiness in your mind and heart.

Source; https://www.dhammatalks.org/Archive/y2023/230319_The_Search_for_Happiness.mp3

Start your meditation with thoughts of goodwill. Goodwill is a wish for happiness. And as we’ll see, the Buddha takes that wish really seriously. You want to be able to develop goodwill for all beings, starting with yourself and spreading out to others. Because you’re looking for happiness that lasts, happiness that’s solid. And that requires that your happiness not depend on harming anybody else.

Because other people want happiness too. And if your happiness harms them, they’re not going to stand for it. So we realize genuine happiness comes from within. Safe happiness comes from within. We take the qualities that we have inside and we develop them. And that way we’re not taking anything away from anyone else.

And we’re producing a happiness that really is genuine. A happiness that is harmless. And as the Buddha pointed out, true happiness is possible and happiness that doesn’t change on you. Which is why he has you take your desire for happiness seriously. Not that you should be grim about it, but simply realize that it’s something you have to think about and examine.


Sometimes we’re told that we have to accept the way reality is, that things in the world are inconstant, stressful, not self. That sets out the parameters for where we’re going to find happiness. So we have to content ourselves with what kind of happiness can be found within those parameters, within that framework. That means we have to lower our sights. They say that we have to be content with whatever pleasures we can find, knowing that they’ll leave us. And so squeezing a little bit of bittersweet pleasure out of them before they go.

But that’s not the Buddha’s approach at all. You look at his life. He left home in search of a happiness that didn’t change. As far as he was concerned, the only thing that would really be worthwhile searching for would be something that didn’t age, didn’t grow ill, didn’t die. Something that was not inconstant, not stressful. And something that didn’t require control at all. And after many years he found it. So he wasn’t the sort of person to lower his sights. He raised his sights, like where happiness is true.

And as he taught that framework of accepting reality as it is and then trying to find happiness within the constraints of that reality, he switched those two frameworks around. So the framework became the quest for happiness. Is there a true happiness? And if you’re finding happiness among things that are inconstant, stressful, and not-self, you’re looking in the wrong place. You have to tell yourself there must be something better. Now as we practice, we are making use of things that are not very constant.

We start out with our intentions, like when we’re meditating, you set up the intention to stay with your breath. Follow the breath coming in, follow the breath going out. And try to make the breath comfortable, because if you’re going to stay here in the present moment, the mind will be willing to stay only if it feels comfortable here. So experiment for a while to see what kind of breathing feels good. Long breathing, short breathing, fast, slow, heavy, light, deep or shallow. See what breathing feels good for you right now. If the mind wanders off, realize that you’ve wandered away from your original intention, so you bring it right back. If it wanders off again, you bring it back again.

You don’t give up. Each time you come back, try to reward yourself with a breath that feels especially good. Make it continually good all the way in, all the way out. We’re trying to develop two qualities here. One is concentration, the other is your discernment. Concentration comes when you find an object that feels good to stay with, and you can settle in. You can think of that sense of well-being that comes from a breath spreading throughout the body.

Say for instance you’re focused on the middle of the chest, and you’re able to breathe in a way that makes that area of the body feel good all the way in, all the way out. You don’t make the breath too long, too short. You don’t squeeze that part of the body. You allow it to feel full. Even as you breathe out, there can be a sense of fullness in there.

And then you allow that sense of fullness to spread through the body, down the nerves, down the back, down the legs, down the shoulders, the arms, out to the feet, out to the hands, up around in the head. Allow that sense of well-being to stay. That’s how you get the mind to settle down, in a good state of being centered or concentrated. And then comes discernment. You find as you meditate that different feelings will come up in the body, different feelings will come up in the mind. Some of them can be very pleasant. Focus on the pleasant ones, but realize that they are part of the path and not the goal. As for the goal, the Buddha said that discernment begins when you ask questions.

And the primary question is, what when I do it will lead to my long-term welfare and happiness? Notice, the Buddha has you start with that desire for true happiness, long-term happiness. And the discernment there comes from one, realizing that it’s going to have to depend on your actions. The word action here covers bodily actions, verbal actions, mental actions. So something you’re going to be able to find through your own efforts. And then in terms of the happiness you’re looking for, one, you want it to be long-term. You realize that long-term is possible, then it’s better than short-term. And anyone can find happiness and pleasure, but it’s the wise person who looks for pleasure that’s long-term.

And sometimes that’s going to require giving us the short-term pleasures. But if you’re really wise in discerning, you’ll see that it’s worth it. So that’s the framework. Your desire for happiness, you take it seriously, you realize that it will depend on your actions. And you’re not going to settle for short-term, you want something that lasts. And then you take those three characteristics, what the Buddha calls three perceptions, and then you apply them to whatever comes up. If something is inconstant, then you realize, okay, it’s not long-term. You’re going to need to look for something else. If it’s inconstant and stressful, it’s certainly not happiness. You have to look somewhere else.

And if it’s inconstant and stressful, it’s not worth laying claim to as yours. So that’s the test. Real happiness will be something that is constant, free from stress, and actually lies beyond any thoughts of self or not-self. Because it has to lie beyond clinging. So that’s what we’re looking for. Now in the meantime, though, it’s not like you throw away everything that’s inconstant. Because after all, the path that we’re practicing has its ups and downs. And there will be things that you have to hold on to that are not permanent yet. It’s part of the Buddha’s insight that it is possible to take a path that’s based on your intentions, learn how to make your intentions more and more solid. And that path would lead you to something that doesn’t have to depend on intentions at all. It’s like the road to the Grand Canyon.

The road to the Grand Canyon doesn’t look like the Grand Canyon. In fact, if you’re approaching the Grand Canyon from the south, all you see is just pretty flat territory with some scrubby trees. And the road itself doesn’t cause the Grand Canyon. But if you follow the road, it can take you to the Grand Canyon. And you arrive there. And it’s an immense space. Not at all like the road. So there are some things that are inconstant and stressful. The stress may be subtle, but it’s there. That we have to take as the path. Anything that’s off the path, that’s not related to virtue, concentration and discernment, you learn to let go. Again, it’s like traveling on that road.

If you find yourself loaded down with all kinds of weights that are totally useless, or it turns out that your car that you’re driving has a motor that can pull you back, you have to learn how to turn off that motor that pulls you back. Use only the motor that will take you where you want to go. That way you’ll be able to get there. So even though the path changes, it can take you to something that doesn’t change. As you develop your concentration, as you develop your discernment. So give it your full attention, what you’re doing right now. Because a lot of the discernment comes from watching yourself as you try to get the mind to settle down. All too often we just let the mind wander where it wants. And as a result we don’t really understand it. It’s when you try to channel it in a particular direction that you begin to understand how intentions form in the mind.

And how other intentions can arise to cut off your first intentions. And how you have to learn how to say no. And how to say no skillfully. In other words, by convincing yourself that those other intentions are really not worth following right now. This is how you learn, by getting the mind to settle down. And you’re taking your desire for happiness and you’re putting it first. After all, that’s what the Buddha did. And he found that by taking his desire for happiness seriously, that desire could take him where he wanted to go. To a place where he didn’t have to need any more desires after that. He found the ultimate happiness.


Something that wasn’t inconstant, wasn’t stressful. It was so good that you didn’t even have to hold on to it. That’s the path that he followed. And the path that he pointed out to everybody else is that this works. So take your desire for happiness seriously. And see what you can learn from the Buddha. And also what you can learn from trying to get the mind to settle down. Stay with one object. And see what you learn about the quality of your mind’s intentions. Both in seeing how they arise and how you may switch intentions and how you can get back to your original intention. You can develop a lot of discernment and wisdom as you master just this skill.

this is not giving up no this is letting go

My Own Life Advice; Letting Go Again

A step in destroying Mijchaa Dhitti (False Views):- Considering having suffered the Abduction of My Own Son, and estrangement through parental Alienation and Child Brainwashing, and a lot  Vainly Fighting for His Right to see his Father, and Mine as a Parent, and lost in ever battle, i became interested in Human Rights Activism a Campaigning for various ‘Things of Importance’.  As a result of the Activism, not only have i Stirred My Own heart Up with causes of Dissatisfaction, I have also been persecuted for it as a Human Rights Activist by Corrupt Officials, including being Kidnapped in the doorway of an Airplane, and Framed by Corrupt Policemen. Due to my Distress and Anger, and Need for Retaliation, I felt that My Advancements in the Search for Illuminated Wisdom and Peace, was in Conflict with these Activities, which included blogging and Actively Engaging with the Authorities of Various Nations in the Attempt to Inititate Some Kind of Proceedings to Influence Human Rights, Especially those of Children, I have Decided to Let Go, and Join the rest of the Complacent Masses.

Take a Deep Breath and Let Go

And, as a Practitioner of Vipassana Kammathana Mindfulness, and accept Dependent Origination as a Reality, i have not only decided mentally to let go of fighting for the World of Humanity (Sentient Beings on this Planet), but to Seek The Unworldly Once More. In a sense, It is the fact that Nobody Cares about Changing the World Anyway (Nor Do They Understand the World), that has also helped to make the Decision to Let Go. Vipassana is the Only Truly Worthwile Goal of Any Person who has seen the true Nature of Existence within the processes of the 5 aggregates.

Tired of Self Created Suffering

Tired of Self Created Suffering

But in my Heart of Hearts, it is the More Knowledge, that the Worldly has an Infinite Number of Agendas and Issues, with which one can waste one’s whole life, and perhaps one’s only chance at Enlightenment, that has Brought Me to Move Forward. No More Precious Time Wasted, by Fighting For Things which Do Not Lead to the Cessation of Suffering, and the End of Rebirth in Dissatisfactory Realms of Existence. As we say in Thai “Chang Man!” (To Heck with It All).

Nibbana is The Mind Stilled

Nibbana is The Mind Stilled

The Perpetuation of Dependent Origination is Nothing Worth Seeking, and the Cessation of this Process, is The Goal

The goal is to penetrate and understand the subtle and elusive mysteries of the Paticcasammuphada (Pratītyasamutpāda in Pali). Dependent Origination is the Driving Force (Due to Avijja/Wrong Views, and Craving that Arises from them), and a Cosmic process, which hurls us through endless lifetimes, and it is the result of causes we make ourselves, which bury is forever in repeated return to Birth, Aging, Sickness and eventually, Death and Cessation

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven – But a Mindful Person, who is diligent in his Practice, and learns to renounce Materiality, may attain the Path, Be He Rich or Poor.

Topic; “The GURU” (Fake and Real);

Osho Rajneesh Rolls Royce and Devotees

Osho Rajneesh Rolls Royce and Devotees

This time we put one of the richest Gurus in Modern History, Rajneesh; A Very clever conman – a very rich one…. with Mijja Dhitti (False Views)

Never heard a word of wisdom or Dhamma from his mouth. And he reiterates how luxury and wealth is his way to happiness.  But if you examine the inner mind and heart, if you notice  the presence of suffering within (comes and goes in greater and lesser levels),, and that most of the mental and emotional sufferings and dissatisfactions we all experience (even Kings and Queens, and Gurus like Rajneesh), come from attachment and clinging to material things, ideologies and religious beliefs, ethics, selfishness. Rajneesh Owns 93 Rolls Royces

Osho Rajneesh Fake Guru

Osho Rajneesh Fake Guru

If one examines within, one will see that however rich you are, it wont make you happy, because true happiness does not require riches or poverty.. it just requires right view, (Samma Dhitti), which this fellow (Rajneesh) doesnt have yet.

his fast breathing teaching is the same as the ajarn sak yant who know that this in combination with clash of sounds causes trance… its part of the brainwashing process and of spiritual domination of people. Any Ajarn tells you to breathe deep fast and strongly as you receive blessings is a conman.. refuse to do that real deep fast breathing….

Breath Should Be Natural. Mindful Observance of Breath is the Mission

That is not the way.. remain calm, breathe naturally, and focus on your mantra or point of meditative focus which works best (chant inwardly ‘Buddho’ or whatever you feel.. ‘jesus’ ‘allah’ ‘peace’ whatever you prefer.. but for gods sake dont do erratic fast breathing when being treated, tattooed or blessed or taught to meditate by such ‘Gurus’. The fact that Rajneesh was a Hypnotist before he left India is also something to consider about how he can influence the Views (Dhitti) of his audience..

Samma Dhitti (Right View)

“Beggars and Pooor People cannot come to me because they cannot understand him so its natural that he is the rich man’s Guru’.. well all the enlightened Buddhas were mendicant beggars, and all of them were without possessions, and taught the path to the end of suffering – This dude teaches how to be reborn as an animal, hungry ghost, or asura monster or hell being, but the Buddhas taught how to practice to be never reborn as any of those, and only be reborn as a Deva (angelic being), a Human, or to Reach Nibbana. 

To intercede a little with my own ‘Views’ (Dhitti), i would say that i feel that the Tathagatha (Buddha as he referred to Himself), did not possess any views, or have a view,  for he held that all views are ‘points of view’ or ‘personal’ and limited, subjective and not objective, and hence, false views (Mijja Dhitti). “Oh but that is a View in Itself”! I hear you Thinking; Well, one could say that the Only View which the Lord Buddha Had, was that all Views are Wrong Views. This is indeed part of having Right View (Samma Dhitti ).

Samma Dhitti is one of the eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path Taught by Lord Buddha

The Title Says it All

This guy taught to cling to sensual pleasures and advocated it. he did not see the truth that clinging and desire to impermanent things is the root of suffering and rebirth in realms of suffering, and illusion. He has 90 rolls royces, but he could sell them to educate the poor.. of course this is pointless to indicate, as everyone knows he was a con man

Sometimes people send me messages saying “Ajarn i want to make a donation to you” – No thanks i dont need them as i sell ebooks and amulets as my right profession, and use afilliate marketing (adsense and youtube earnings), to finance myself, and not take money from Looksit or subscribers or wellwishers or students… – True Guru only bestows knowledge wisdom and spirituality but does not allow an institution to arise around him…. Here is one of what most people think is a Guru …. the comments will show some other ‘Gurus’ who are about as rich and famous as Oprah Winfrey and live justr as luxuriously….. 

This teaching below from Ajarn Amaro, is the real reason for not seeking sensual pleasures, and why Rajneesh has 90 Rolls Royces instead of Spiritual Enlightenment. Buddha was happy with nothing, but if Rajneesh was made to live under a tree in the mosquito ridden Jungle, he would soon break apart, proving his lack of self mastery, and love of the cause of rebirth (attachment to sensual pleasures)

I think that people like to hear what they prefer to believe…

If you tell people they will win the lottery within a month after a blessing, and the devotee adds extra donations to the box.. a month later he wonders where his win is…- its with the Ajarn who spent it already or put it on his bank.

Give your children your money, not your Guru.

Death May be the Greatest of all Human Blessings

Death May be the Greatest of all Human Blessings (Socrates) – Now is the Season of Giving, not Taking, for You cannot Take it With You, and You Cannot Give It to Somebody who you Know and Love and who will Need It, and Give it with Your Heart, when You Are Already Dead.

Death May be the Greatest of all Human Blessings

Facing Death can be considered our ultimate test we have to pass in Life.

The Buddha Asked Ananda ‘Tell me Ananda, how often do you think of death?’, to which Ananda answered ‘about 7 times a day Master’, to which the Buddha responded ‘Ananda, you are tooo careless. We need to think about Death, with every breath we take’

One inspiring teaching and incredibly well filmed video which affronts the tabu topic of facing one’s own eventual death and cessation, is this video of Pra Ajarn Tippakorn, made with the help of mdesignffm, which is translated into three languages already (Thai, English, German).
I wanted to share it because it can bring you more easily to addressing this, one of the main issues a true Buddhist Practitioner and Dhamma Warrior should face, and conquer the fear in his own heart. Understanding death, is not as hard as understanding life itself, so it shoulnd’t be such a difficult task to try to understand. What is harder, is accepting the fact of one’s own death, and this is of course one of the subtle causes of suffering we carry around with us throughout our daily lives. Mindfulness of Death may sound depressing, but it can make you live your life more wisely, and skilfully.

The Ultimate Test – Pra Ajarn Tippakorn