Anybody who uses Facebook will have seen at least one ‘Friendversary’ video made by Facebook, which may or may not seem to have any relevance, but more often than not, tend towards irrelevance, more than relevance. The thing is, it is in truth, an A.I. Artificial Intelligence algorithm created video designed as a ‘Call to Action’ mechanism (share button), designed specifically to make you share to your profile or elsewhere within Facebook’s Monopolistic network. For Facebook is a Network that tries to keep its viewers within its own Matrix, (one we would all like to be free of so click the link in the word matrix to see how). Facebook and similar domans are ever more designed to prevent us the users, from leaving to visit an external website.

Facebook Friendversary

Facebook Friendversary

The Faceboook Friendversary Video is not visible to anybody unless you share it (which is what makes it a call to action banner, designed to influence You to share the A.I. Created FB Content.

The idea i believe, is that Facebook can create masses of automated content and overtake all the other major domains with all types of media (in this case, video, which would directly affect YouTube, which does not use A.I. to auto-create its’ own videos, whereas Facebook Does!).

In the case where more types of autocreated content such as Friendversaries are added, if shared as Facebook intends, and hence published and filed within search engine bot databases, will increase their amount of content within Facebook many-fold on an ever increasing ratio. There is much danger in this, for Facebook already prevents you from going to Youtube when watching a shared video within the Facebook Mobile App. Instead, it takes you to a Facebook page with the Youtube Video Inserted into the page as an iframe embedded within Facebook. But Hey, one strange thought is “Wow! what would a Friendversary video look like between two Facebook Friends who spent 5 years arguing and insulting each other publicly? And what content would the video contain?”

The Friendversary

Luckily, for now, Artificial Intelligence, is Artificial Stupidity, but could become a Content Creation Virus

‘Facebook Friendversaries’, and Autocreated videos and ‘Memories’ Albums using ‘Artificial Intelligence’ algorithms, is still in its early days, and has omitted various important factors in its algorithms, such as making the assumption that the date of when a photo was taken has relevance enough to add to an album of ‘memories’ when in truth, we don’t just take photos with our device camera, and we also download images to the camera roll of our devices from the internet in a browser, which are dated,. We also don’t just take photos of family, rather, we make photos for work, play, official business, etc.


So the compilation algorithm for albums and videos like this ‘Facebook Friendversary’, have little chance of gaining any relevance, unless they add much more spying on the user to their datamining (which is unethical unless they pay us for the data gathered from us), and also add many more criteria for selecting images, events and other connections between ‘friends’, and the algorithm that selects which of the many ‘friends’ we add on Facebook and other networks, are true friends and relations, and which are just ‘added as friend’ type unknowns. In its current ‘state of the art’, Artificial Intelligence is in the stone age, and should be seen more as ‘Artificial Stupidity’.

I henceforth declare the danger of an artificial intelligence becoming an autocreated content viral phenomenon taking over the internet, and stealing most of the traffic for the big matrix-like self contained networks, such as Facebook, Google, MSN, Yahoo, and the like.

Below Pic; ‘Ascending Chaos – A Collage of Collages‘ (Source gentleice the deptfordian)

I also henceforth predict the evolution of social networks to become not flat A.I. generated networks on websites in a flat browser like Facebook, rather, that the Future of social networking is to become much more of a different type of platform and of a different nature, namely, the VR Experience.

Many people say that A.I. is destroying many jobs, which it is, but it is also creating new professions; Believe it or not, there are hundreds and thousands of new professions arising, as old ones die.. transformation is the only constant.

In 1900 something like 86% of america worked the land. But in the present day, something like the same, 86% (rough memory of a real statistic i learned), who worked in agriculture, now work in service industries, whilst farming has become ever more automated.

But the population increased and still people are working, in jobs which did not exist in 1900, but machines now do what people had to do in 1900 .. so the trick is in SEEING ahead that taxi drivers wont be needed when Uber has self driven flying cars, but that flying car central control office will be needing co-ordinators to manage the databases and to make sure that all lines are working in order.

And to see, that jobs like the lawyer profession, will become very much needed, because so much technology change, means we have to constantly keep up with the tech, by writing new laws to cover the legal issues new technology brings with it

As an example of this, we can already mention. Amazon Drone Delivery, Video Advertising on YouTube and Facebook, A.I. Screening of Live Video Content to prevent live suicides going viral and similar tragedies. Legal issues such as ‘can we fly drones over borders if no person is in it’?, how high can a drone fly without registering with the airport flight tower? etc…)

We need to look and to see new jobs arising, like space miners on asteroids, and mathematicians and astrophysicists, geologists for planetary excavations and astro-geology, astro-biologist, – we are now traveling to mars, and we are going to colonize it, and mine asteroids, we shall need programmers for the a.i. that does all the dirty work for us, we shall need designers for the digital goods like game add-ons, and new game levels. AS technology in VR and Augmented Reality develops, Social networking will also become a VR 3D experience where we meet up like ‘ready player one’… and FB will either be part of that, or die., VR Chat is already here on Steam and we can meet up there and be who we wanna be look like we wanna look, and live a fantasy surrogate life. If Facebook will be part of that, remains to be seen, for they appear to be thinking in Flatland.

Everyone is Crunching Data, and Big Data, to render Stats, or better said in real English ‘Statistics’ are as far as most people understand, some kind of ‘Proof’ of something, that is ‘/Proved’ by using Data to Present a Positive or Negative result or effect. The Stats which are used so commonly today, which are made by analysts, read by analysts, and presented to people all over the world who don’t even understand how the stats were gathered, in order to convince them of something, that is in principle, ‘Hot Air’, or as we say in Spanish ‘Una Fantasma’  (nothing resembling what it appears to be).This conditions people into believing that opinions or limited data is ‘Fact’. This has an indirect effect on our future Evolution as a special, be it social, ethical or genetic, because of how it is influen cing our society and ethics, and how we interpret and deal with things, based on Crunched Data from so called ‘Expert Analysts’

A good Example would be to quote Time Magazine about Donals Trump’s Tweet about the Puerto Rico Tornado, which used mention of stats, after a second analysis by a George Washington University changed the number of deaths from 60+ to nearly 3000.. now thats a big difference in ‘stats’!!!

Donald Trump Tweet Tornado Death Toll Stats

Of course, in this case, the low stats were to avoid having to pay for aid, and to play down the seriosity, and save money. This was because Trump was not clever enough as Obama, who during the Haiti Disaster, set up a money stealing laundering scheme for the soft hearted asking to “dial some number (at lots of cost per sms) to donate 100$ to the storm fund so they can steal it, and give some stats to pretend it actually got used to help people”

Stats could be used to gain more accurate conclusions about things, but unfortunately, due to Human greed, Anger and Ignorance, Stats, are almost always used to cover up things, not reveal things, or to present things in a deceptive way, to sell an idea.

The Haiti Fund was a scam where almost all of the funds were spent by organisations middle men and corrupt officials.. For example, the Red Cross Spent 25 Percent Of Haiti Donations On Internal Expenses  – In general, the Red Cross itself doesn’t know how much money it spent on each project in Haiti because of a “complex, yet inaccurate” accounting system, the report found.

Investigation of American Red Cross

“Registered Charities are all a Scam Anyway, i Never Donate to Registered Charities, since i grew up with my Father5’s Con Men around me, and know how Con Men prey on Bleeding Hearts.”

In Search Of The Red Cross’ $500 Million In Haiti Relief

So what is the difference between reality and ‘stats’? A BIG one, i can tell you. Stats are merely hot air that companies sell ideas to rich companies, and advertisers, but never reflect the truth, because, they only take a limited set of questions and parameters into consideration..

As 9999 people in Harlem a 10 question survey, and then go to New England and knock on the Man sion House doors and ask 9999 white people, and you wont get the same answers… so the question ‘what do Americans think about the fact that more black peole get convicted than white people’ would produce different opinions in each group….

5 Ways Statistics can be used to Lie to You Every Day

As to webstats.. Facebook Pixel uses a method to track arrivals at your shopping cart checkout in online store websites, and will show you stats based on that, if you advertise with Facebook (or Google or whoever). If you advertise, you get a stats page which shows you how many people arrived at the checkout cart.. Facebook once charged me 200$ for 600 checkout arrivals, in an advertsiing campaign in a month when only 60 people bought something, and i knew all of them, (repeat customers), and none of them came from Facebook. Every time i advertised on Facebook, in fact, my monthly earnings dropped to even half of when i do not advertise (which i do not do anymore since then).

Facebook Ads Are Deceptive to the Advertiser AND the End User

So who were the supposed 600 arrivals at checkout?

The same ‘people’ who caused my VPN server to crash in mid 2018 when i migrated my websites from Bluehost to Dreamhost hosting; Namely ‘BOTS’.

It is reported that bot traffic now accounts for 56% of all traffic on a typical website

Facebook classes a google bot or a yahoo bot or a bing bot as a person or at least an ‘arrival’ on the website. The 600 checkouts were almost if not ALL Bots scouring the web and every url on my and other people’s websites…  I also asked each customer that month ‘how did you find me’ if they were not old customers, and they all said ‘Google’ So i paid 200$ and Facebook sent me NULL people, and registered 600 google bots, and tells me they sent 600 people to me!

“Smart bots have taken over. Now a bot can process JavaScript (and potentially Google Analytics), in a similar way to a real human’s web browser. And it’s a good thing too: if today’s search engine crawlers could not process JavaScript, much of the human-readable web would be hidden from search engines.” (Luna Metrics).


Stats MY ASS! – to Quote Science Blogs; Numbers don’t lie, but they tell a lot of half-truths. We have been raised to think that numbers represent absolute fact, that in a math class there is one and only one correct answer. But less emphasis is put on the fact that in the real world numbers don’t convey any information without units, or some other frame of reference. The blurring of the line between the number and the quantity has left us vulnerable to the ways in which statistics can deceive us. By poorly defining or incorrectly defining numbers, contemporary audiences can be manipulated into thinking opinions are fact.

I personally like the Thought Experiment from the Fallicy Files Website in its ‘Base Rate Fallicy’ page, which says ;

Thought Experiment:

“Suppose that the rate of disease D is three times higher among homosexuals than among heterosexuals, that is, the percentage of homosexuals who have D is three times the percentage of heterosexuals who have it. Suppose, further, that Pat is diagnosed with the disease, and this is all that you know about Pat. In particular, you don’t know anything else about Pat’s sexual orientation; in fact, you don’t even know whether Pat is male or female. What is the likelihood that Pat is homosexual?”


Related Links;

The Base Rate Fallicy

85% of Statistics are False or Misleading

13 Ways Facebook Tries to Trick You With Ads

Example of False Information by Paid Bloggers to disseminate viral trending beliefs (Fake News), and promote the use of chatbots (which are dumb, and a pain in the ass, but whose developers are paying bloggers to convince big companies and businesses they need to pay for such services

Top Ten Messenger Bot FAQs (Deceptive Facebook Sponsored Paid Blogpost)

List of services that conttribute to creating false beliefs and trends through paid blogging, which is used by rich companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Top Infuential news websites and Blog (Taken in 2017 from Forbes study)

Forbes published a list of ten of the highest earning blogs in the world:

Huffington Post – $14,000,000 per month
Endgadget – $5,500,000 per month
Moz – $4,250,000 per month
TechCrunch – $2,500,000 per month
Mashable – $2,000,000 per month
CopyBlogger – $1,000,000 per month
Perez Hilton – $575,000 per month
Gizmodo – $325,000 per month
Smashing Magazine – £250,000 per month
Tuts+ – $175,000