
Thai Rice farmer's Children Learning the Family Profession they will one day Inherit

Is Schooling Human Rights or Indoctrination

Questioning the Ideology of Mandatory Schooling: Human Rights or Indoctrination? In a recent conversation with GPT-4, the AI language model, it suggested that linking a person’s profession to their surname...

Animism and Thai Occult

What is Animism?

Animism is a belief system that posits the existence of spirits or supernatural forces residing in natural elements, animals, and objects. In Southeast Asia, animism has deep historical roots and...

Underpaid Service Industry Slave

Pros and Cons of the Digital Age – from Crypto Moguls to Lost Self-Employed Trades

As we reflect on the evolution of human society, it becomes clear that a profound shift has taken place. Gone are the days of traditional family trades and self-employed independence,...

A Buddhist Monk Forgets his Precepts

The Ethical Shift – How Manipulation Became Common Practice in the Millennial Era

“If you look at your face in the mirror every day, you don’t see yourself getting older “ What is presented as ethical changes with regeneration, then ethics have no...

Perceiving Reality as Illusion

Free Will – does it exist?

The Nexus of Freewill and Instinct in Human Behavior: A Comprehensive Analysis for Human Sciences Scholars Abstract: This academic essay delves into the intricate interplay between freewill and instinct in...

Baining Papua fire dance

Animist Beliefs and Practices

Animism: Exploring the Beliefs and Practices of Indigenous Worldviews Abstract: Animism is a complex and diverse belief system that has been prevalent in indigenous cultures around the world. This essay...

Göbekli Tepe Unveiled

Göbekli Tepe: Unveiling the Enigma of Ancient Mystery Göbekli Tepe, an ancient archaeological site nestled in southeastern Turkey, has captivated the imagination of scholars and laypeople alike. Dating back over...

A.I. Simulates a Conversation with Sigmund Freud and Adolf Grünbaum

“Analyze Your Mind: A.I. Simulates a Conversation with Sigmund Freud and Adolf Grünbaum!” I created a simulation of two conversations between two great psychiatric and philosophical geniuses, using A.I. The...

Atlantean Map

Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations

“Uncovering the Secrets of Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations – A Journey Through Time.” Pre Cataclysmic Civilizations are those civilizations that existed before a major natural, social or cultural event destroyed or...

Fallof Civilisation (transformation from one form of existence to the next)

All things fall including Civilizations – Evolution is not Entropy

All things grow back again in a new form. things are always changing, and even dictatorships, systems of rule and governance, and civilizations, cannot change that fact. all things come...

The Fall of Global Economy & the Rise of Virtual Wealth & Sovereign Individuality

Predicting the Fall of the Feat Monetary System and Collapse, or Transformation of the Current System of Rule and Governance, from a Feat Based Exchange System, to a Digital Currency,...

Myths Survive Cataclysms But Civilizations Do Not

Myths Persist Throughout all Eras – the deluge myth has been recounted in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible, the Torah, and the Koran. Myths seem to survive the rise...

The Great Flood

Is The Deluge Myth of Great Flood a Quaternary Mass Extinction Event?

Apart from the Mythical Deluge,  whose truth is argued to this day, we have had 25 scientifically accepted mass extinction events on earth, since life began (not including this 26th...

Faces in the Crowd - Life Out of Rhythm

The Destroyer 1 – How Did Humanity End Up Like This?

Welcome to Part One of the Destroyer Podcast Series – This is one of my Freestyle Explanations of how on earth we came to find ourselves living as we do,...

Dtukadtaa Paya Wan Sak Thai Yai - Ruesi Hermit Image

Sak Yant Herbal Effigies for Sacred Ink

The Dtugadtaa Paya Wan Sak is an effigy or image made from herbal powder clay, sometimes covered with dee buk leaden coating or even solid silver foil, or sometimes a...