Life Advice

How to Overcome the Five Hindrances in Vipassanā

Overcoming the Five Hindrances in Vipassanā Meditation The practice of Vipassanā meditation offers a profound path towards insight and liberation through the cultivation of mindful awareness. However, this journey is...

Mental Hindrances, Nimitta (apparitions)

The 5 Hindrances & How to Overcome Them

The Five Hindrances (Nīvaraṇa) and Their Removal in Vipassanā Practice 1. Understanding the Five Hindrances The pañca nīvaraṇāni (Five Hindrances) are mental obstacles that prevent the mind from attaining concentration...

dhamma wheel

Eight-Fold Path Applied Practices Pt.1 – Developing Right View

The Practice of the 8-Fold Path step 1 – How to Develop Right Intention “Right Intention: Starting with the understanding of right intention, one must cultivate wisdom,  love, compassion, and...

Understanding the 3 Marks of Existence

The Buddha’s Teaching on Tilakkhana: Understanding the 3 Marks of Existence In Buddhist philosophy, there are several key concepts that help us understand the nature of reality and our place...

Underpaid Service Industry Slave

Pros and Cons of the Digital Age – from Crypto Moguls to Lost Self-Employed Trades

As we reflect on the evolution of human society, it becomes clear that a profound shift has taken place. Gone are the days of traditional family trades and self-employed independence,...

Overcoming Negativity

Cultivating Inner Harmony: Nurturing Positive Qualities to Overcome Negativity In the pursuit of personal growth and inner peace, one significant hurdle we often encounter is negativity. Whether it manifests as...

Empowering Those Affected by PTSD

Harnessing Compassion and Strength to Support PTSD Sufferers As a sufferer of PTSD, and a person who has spent years studying Mind Sciences and Consciousness Sciences, and Having Been a...


The Illusion of Separateness

The Paradox of Separation and Interconnectedness We often see ourselves as separate individuals, defined by our unique thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This sense of separation is a deeply ingrained belief,...

The Search For Happiness – Thanissaro Bhikkhu

I Transcribed this teaching from an audio file recording of a Dhamma Teaching by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Please click the player t0 listen as you scroll down to read. This is...

Life Advice

As I say, in my description to this playlist, titled “life advice”; “I do not believe anybody is capable of giving good life advice to others. But seeing as everybody’s...

Diversifying Assets Decreases Risk in Unpredictable Times

Diversifying one’s portfolio of assets is a common investment strategy. Throughout history, investors have been taking on more and more risk in order to generate higher returns. One of the...

Reset USA or the World

The Greatest Deception in Human History

Please watch the first of my YouTube deleted/banned videos of onde of my forbidden talks on A slightly Provocative talk, which will make many people agree ,and many people...

Anyone is a Guru These Days on Udemy

Life Advice Gurus

There is many a fake life advice guru making a profession out of people’s need or wish to be advised about their lives, and this i find to be unethical,...

this is not giving up no this is letting go

My Own Life Advice After a 5 Year Inner and Outer War – Letting Go

My Own Life Advice; Letting Go Again A step in destroying Mijchaa Dhitti (False Views):- Considering having suffered the Abduction of My Own Son, and estrangement through parental Alienation and...

Introspection with Vippassana Kammathana Mindfulness

Introspection with ADHD and PTSD Using Vipassana

Dhamma Diary ( Discovering How to Reverse Engineer Afflictive Emotions – Quantum Dhamma Diary #1) Sharing Experiences, both those which i have mastered, (and those which i have not, in...

Rajneesh with Thanks Give to Your Children Not The Guru

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven – But a Mindful Person, who is diligent in...